Privacy Notice


Commitment to Privacy

This Privacy Notice serves to explain MARC's online information practices and how the information provided is collected and used. This Notice is applicable to websites operated by MARC, including and, as well as resources offered by MARC through traditional Internet websites, mobile devices and other platforms.

Collecting Information
MARC may collect and process personal information that can be used to identify or contact clients. This information encompasses the following personal data:

Email address
Business address
Phone number
Other information

This information is generally requested when clients register on any of MARC's websites. Additionally, personal information that clients voluntarily provide may also be collected, for example, in emails to MARC's websites.

It is not compulsory to provide personal information in order to visit MARC's websites. However, if you choose to withhold requested information, you may not be able to use all of the features in MARC's websites.

Why Information is Collected
Information is used to process transactions, maintain accounts, ensure adherence to MARC's Terms & Conditions and respond to inquiries, as well as to provide clients with more accurate and relevant information regarding MARC's services and products.

Using, Sharing and Disclosing Information
The personal information collected is used solely for MARC's internal purposes, including for product development, content improvement or to customize the content and layout of MARC's websites. MARC may use this personal information to contact you regarding your account status and changes to the subscriber agreement, this Notice, agreements or transactions relevant to your use of the websites and in accordance with applicable laws, marketing to you products and services which may be relevant to you.

From time to time, MARC may contract third-party providers to provide services such as hosting and maintenance, data storage and management, and marketing and promotions. Please note that we only do so after these service providers have confirmed that their privacy practices are consistent with ours, in that they must agree to use reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information involved in order to protect clients' personal information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure.

We provide these providers with the information necessary for them to perform these services on our behalf. MARC may also disclose your personal information when your permission has been obtained, to comply with legal or regulatory requirements, or to apply MARC's Terms & Conditions, and other agreements; or to protect MARC's legal rights regarding the content in MARC's websites, or the rights, property, or safety of MARC's clients or others.

Using Cookies
MARC or its third-party service providers may use cookies (a small text file placed on your computer or device) when you visit MARC's websites. Two types of cookies are used in MARC's websites, namely necessary cookies and functionality cookies.

Necessary cookies enable MARC to send the website to you and provide specific services offered by MARC's websites that require cookies to function, including:
  • account log-in
  • shopping basket/online store
Functionality cookies allow MARC's websites to remember your choices or preferences, such as information on online forms, allowing MARC to offer you a personalised experience. Please note they are not used to track your browsing activity on other websites.

You can change your web browser's Internet preferences to disable or delete cookies, although that may affect certain functions on MARC's websites. You can follow the instructions from your selected browser.

Using Links
If personal information is provided through any third-party website, the transaction will occur on that third party's website (not on MARC's website) and as such, the personal information you provide will be governed by the privacy policy of that third party. Please note that this privacy policy does not address the privacy or information practices of any third parties.

Information Security
MARC has instituted relevant measures to secure the information collected online to prevent unauthorised access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information. Despite this, clients should note that no site is 100% secure. Please notify MARC immediately if you believe your interaction with MARC has been compromised in any way.

Information Integrity
MARC will use personal information only for the purpose it was collected. MARC will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected is relevant to its intended use, and is accurate, complete and current.

Retention Period
MARC will retain collected personal information for a period that is necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice.

Accessing or Correcting Your Information
All your personal information that is collected online can be accessed by calling or sending MARC an email.
If there are errors in the personal information, please send an email that highlights the error clearly. Please note that MARC will take steps to verify the client's identity before providing information or making corrections.

Contacting Us
For questions or concerns about MARC's Privacy Notice, please contact us at